Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm Drowning

Funny conversation with my pal Greg:

(1:37:41 PM) Aaron Wagner: has the background on apple.com always been textured?
(2:12:37 PM) Greg Laurent: NO
(2:12:49 PM) Greg Laurent: wtf
(2:13:15 PM) Aaron Wagner: i thought it was my monitor, but I looked at it on my macbook and it was the same way

(2:13:31 PM) Greg Laurent: it immediately caught my eye
(2:13:35 PM) Greg Laurent: i wonder whats up with that
(2:13:54 PM) Aaron Wagner: dunno... weird right.... normal people might not ever notice it
(2:14:03 PM) Greg Laurent: yeah
(2:14:41 PM) Greg Laurent: i should show it to jen under the premise of "hey look at this nondescript apple product"
(2:14:47 PM) Greg Laurent: and see if she notices it unprompted
(2:15:06 PM) Greg Laurent: i don't mind using my wife as a guinea pig
(2:15:27 PM) Aaron Wagner: me either... she usually shows very little interest in such things
(2:15:40 PM) Greg Laurent: lol
(2:15:56 PM) Greg Laurent: or i'll get the "yeah i noticed, but why should i care"
(2:16:21 PM) Aaron Wagner: yup... i swear sometimes it feels like Melissa == Jen
(2:16:27 PM) Greg Laurent: lol
(2:16:42 PM) Greg Laurent: should we have a baby and name her hannah
(2:16:53 PM) Aaron Wagner: you should... even if it's a boy
(2:17:02 PM) Greg Laurent: lol
(2:17:16 PM) Aaron Wagner: interesting thing about lol
(2:17:27 PM) Aaron Wagner: if you look close, it looks like a person drowning
(2:17:32 PM) Aaron Wagner: lol
(2:17:39 PM) Greg Laurent: HAHA
(2:17:39 PM) Aaron Wagner: lol < help me
(2:17:41 PM) Greg Laurent: nice
(2:18:12 PM) Greg Laurent: lol

(2:18:34 PM) Aaron Wagner: type fast so i dont screw it up
(2:18:47 PM) Greg Laurent: lol

(2:18:53 PM) Aaron Wagner: hurry
(2:18:58 PM) Greg Laurent: damn trying to type a drowning man
(2:19:17 PM) Aaron Wagner: are you in pidgin?
(2:19:52 PM) Greg Laurent: no
(2:20:00 PM) Greg Laurent: pidgin never worked on this laptop for some reason
(2:20:14 PM) Greg Laurent: i'm in digsby
(2:20:17 PM) Aaron Wagner: do this:
(2:20:28 PM) Greg Laurent: digsby == lameness to the n'th degree
(2:20:29 PM) Aaron Wagner: do this:
(2:20:58 PM) Greg Laurent: lol

(2:21:16 PM) Aaron Wagner: do this:
(2:21:25 PM) Greg Laurent: i'm not your drowning man lacky
(2:21:28 PM) Greg Laurent: LOL
(2:21:35 PM) Aaron Wagner: lol
(2:21:46 PM) Aaron Wagner: i used "do this" to break to a new line
(2:21:53 PM) Greg Laurent: lol

(2:22:28 PM) Aaron Wagner: haha... funniest convorsation ever
(2:22:45 PM) Greg Laurent: weirdest conversation ever
(2:23:03 PM) Aaron Wagner: ok, maybe not ever... we've had some funnier/weirder
(2:23:07 PM) Greg Laurent: somewhere, right now, our wives are judging us for idiocy
(2:23:26 PM) Greg Laurent: "i bet aaron/greg is doing something really, REALLY dumb right now"
(2:23:53 PM) Aaron Wagner: you could say that at just about any time of the day and be over .500 average
(2:24:02 PM) Aaron Wagner: well over
(2:24:07 PM) Greg Laurent: hahah
(2:24:32 PM) Aaron Wagner: but see, now you wont type lol without thinking of the poor man your drowning
(2:24:42 PM) Greg Laurent: like how this weekend i was trying on a shirt in a store and left a pin in and stabbed my face by accident
(2:25:22 PM) Aaron Wagner: takes a secure man to admit something like that... I aplaud you
(2:25:38 PM) Greg Laurent: lol <-- man
~~~ <-- water

hope formatting works on that one

(2:25:50 PM) Greg Laurent: HA - now i got that bastard drowning
(2:26:12 PM) Aaron Wagner: in pidgin it breaks it to a new line... so the man is on dry land to me
(2:26:22 PM) Greg Laurent: DAMN IT
(2:26:32 PM) Greg Laurent: i'll drown him one of these days
(2:26:43 PM) Greg Laurent: oh well
(2:26:55 PM) Greg Laurent: so yeah, stabbed myself in the face this weekend
(2:26:57 PM) Greg Laurent: it sucked
(2:27:15 PM) Aaron Wagner: lol
(2:27:35 PM) Greg Laurent: that should be my transition to every topic
(2:27:51 PM) Aaron Wagner: YES... I like it
(2:27:54 PM) Greg Laurent: "man the weather is nice"
"so i stabbed myself in the face this weekend"

(2:28:02 PM) Greg Laurent: ENTER CONFUSION
(2:28:24 PM) Aaron Wagner: So greg, tell my your thoughts on quantitave easing
(2:29:13 PM) Greg Laurent: further devalue the dollar
(2:29:55 PM) Aaron Wagner: response fail... I was going for:
"Sure Aaron, but first, did I tell you that I stabbed myself in the FACE this weekend?"

(2:30:31 PM) Greg Laurent: i may have failed, but i stabbed myself in teh face this weekend

Greg did eventually get it:

1 comment:

Leslie said...

That's some kind of stupid funny! And word verification sucks on my blackberry with "auto correct" Stuff. Fix it!